Digital Illustration: Prom Night
Adobe Illustrator
Digital Illustration: Village Life
8 x 10
Watercolor & Adobe Illustrator

Appeared in the RIT Start Here Middle and High School Art Exhibit at the Bevier Gallery 
January 17th, 2020
Digital Illustration: Style Sheet
8.5 x 11
Adobe Illustrator
In my high school Graphic Design I course, we were assigned a project in which we had to design a logo using our initials, playing around with the idea of creating a brand for ourselves. I chose an autumnal color scheme, playing around with the curves in my initials.
Digital Illustration: Self Portrait in Objects
10 x 8
Adobe Illustrator
Assignment: choose 3 objects that represent you, and create
UN Global Issues Posters
18 x 24
Adobe Illustrator & Procreate
The goal for this assignment was to create two call-to-action posters, one which utilizes an image and type, and another which relied solely on the type. I chose plastic pollution of our oceans because I've always cared deeply for marine life. 
Before the pandemic, it seemed that people were beginning to let go of plastics, however, with the rise of the pandemic, plastic production has increased as well. While it may seem easier for us to dispose of plastic, it’s having a horrible impact on our oceans and the creatures within them. In turn, this will have a negative impact on us, which is why we need to do something about it now.
The image poster on the left includes an image of a turtle wrapped in plastic, emphasizing the tragedy that plastic pollution causes every day.
The typographic poster, on the right, was inspired by the Swiss/International graphic design style, utilizing a structured grid, bold pops of color, and geometry. I also added statistics to stress the importance of this call to action.

Spot Illustration Assignment
Adobe Illustrator
For this project, we were tasked with creating three spot illustrations of zoo animals, pretending they would be used to advertise for Seneca Park Zoo in Rochester, NY. I chose to create illustrations of a manatee, a red panda, and a toucan using the pen tool. 
Diversity in Design
18 x 24
Adobe Illustrator
The objective of this project is to explore the role of diversity and inclusion in graphic design using infographic design as the communication mode.
Travel Poster – Salem
18 x 24
Adobe Illustrator
Concert Poster Design
8 x 10
Adobe Photoshop

Allegory of Anxiety
8 x 10
Adobe Photoshop

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